The UTD Foster Care Alumni (FCA) Program provides support and resources for students who formerly were a part of the foster care system. We respect students’ privacy and engage former foster care students with sensitivity, compassion, patience and respect for boundaries.

  • Provides information to foster care alumni regarding support services.
  • Informs students about resources available at UT Dallas.
  • Provides any other relevant information to assist FCA students.


The higher education foster care liaison serves a critical role in bridging the gap between the students who want to pursue higher education and those who have the support needed to complete their degree.


Students who were part of the foster care system may be eligible to receive priority with their housing application, and the application fee may be deferred or waived. For more information, please contact University Housing at or 972-883-7430.


Former Foster Care Children (FFCC) Healthcare Program

Former Foster Care Children (FFCC) Healthcare Program provides continuous healthcare coverage through age 25 to young adults who age out of Texas foster care and who are receiving Medicaid when they age out.

  • Young adults aged 18 through 20 will be enrolled in STAR Health but can switch to STAR upon request.
  • Young adults aged 21 through 25 will receive Medicaid through the STAR plan of their choice.

To be eligible for the FFCC program, the following criteria apply:

  • Young adult between 18 to 25 years old;
  • In Texas foster care on his or her 18th birthday or older;
  • Receive Medicaid when he or she aged out of Texas foster care; and
  • A U.S. citizen or have a qualified alien status (Example: youth has I-551 permanent resident card). Note, there are additional limits on eligibility for non-citizens who are age 21 and older

Medicaid for Transitioning Foster Care Youth (MTFCY)

Medicaid for Transitioning Foster Care Youth (MTFCY) provides medical coverage to young adults age 18 through 20 who are not eligible for the FFCC program because they were not receiving Medicaid at the time they aged out of foster care.

The following eligibility criteria apply:

  • 18 through 20 years of age;
  • In Texas foster care at age 18, or older;
  • No other healthcare coverage;
  • Meet program rules for income; and
  • A U.S. citizen or have a qualified alien status.

More information is available via the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services website.

Your Texas Benefits

Young adults can use to apply for, renew and manage their benefits at any time and place; the mobile app can be used to update their address, set alert messages, and manage their benefits. They can also call 2-1-1 and ask to speak to a “Foster Youth Specialist” for help with their Medicaid benefits.

Additional Resources

Financial Resources

Other Resources

The Texas Foster Care Handbook (PDF) is a guide for youth to explain available benefits and resources.

Check out our Resource Hub for more on and off-campus resources and services!